Writing Habit Recap No. 2

TL;DR: I've gotten through over a month of writing posted here. I thought it might be worth reflecting and recapping again.

I've been working on this writing habit for just over a month. It seems to be a thing, now. I'm starting to think about what I want to do next. These exercises are like marathon training—and at some point, I want to try a proper marathon.

It's also occurred to me that doing fresh characters & settings every day—even if they're just over 300 words—might be harder than building momentum with an established story.

I'm thinking about sustainability. Over a decade ago, I did the 4am wake-up and butt-in-chair thing. That let me crank out a few thousand words before the day job on a regular basis. But, while I did finish a few books that way, I feel like I've fully burnt out that mechanism. The notion of writing a book that way again just seems like a nonstarter.

This drumbeat of a small habit feels more reliable than expecting to browbeat myself into a writing flow by sheer willpower.

Apropos of that, I'm finding it rewarding to review what I've managed to write lately:

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