Random thoughts for 2014 Oct 23
TL;DR: This is a bunch of stuff I just randomly collected throughout the day. Look here for a bit of explanation. I may or may not do this again. I'm experimenting and entertaining myself.
As a remote worker, I think this is a splendid insight:
If you focus purely on the job, and not the industry, you realise airlines selling business class seats are competing with Skype for customers, as they address the same job: the need to have clear communication with colleagues.
Source: The End of Apps as We Know Them
I've got a notion to crawl through all my blog archives, harvest all the links, and see which are still reachable - starting from the oldest.
I miss web mashups.
- So I made a couple of mashups against my own blog - look in the sidebar.
I've installed Emphasis on this blog.
- Tap Shift twice and see what happens. Permalink ALL the things!
I'm not a champ by any means, yet, but it's looking like it's stuck as a habit.
- I start to feel antsy when I haven't managed to get around to it.
Winter in Michigan will be interesting.
- Last year, the sidewalks were break-neck dangerous for walking let alone jogging.
I read a lot; I think a lot. I am well versed in omphaloskepsis.
I have a lot of notions about psychology & life in general.
Watching Justin Hall speechify got me thinking again about posting them here.
But, this has typically been a techie place.
Still, that's what personal blogs are for, no?
Or, at least a LiveJournal.
- Wow, I haven't written there in a very long time.