More Tiger & Etc Thoughts

Hooray! I stand corrected, and a Java 1.5 update for OS X Tiger is, indeed, available.

Archived Comments

  • I did not read the entire MacSlash thread, but I just downloaded Tiger for Tiger:
  • Java 1.5 was released early on Friday for 10.4. Just because it wasn't in the box doesn't mean it's not available. :P
  • I thought the same thing about the new Doctor Who so I looked up the first few seasons of Tom Baker and was surprised to see that most of the stories were four episodes (the equivalent of two episodes in the new longer format). The total length of episodes is actually shorter than what we are getting in the current season. Supposedly we are getting two more two part stories in the rest of the season, that will put us on par with the first Baker season (Robot, The Ark in Space, and Revenge of the Cybermen). The Sontaran Experiment was only two episodes, the equivalent of one current episode. Typically only one story per season was six episodes (like Genesis of the Daleks) and that is where we are going to come up short in the current season.
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